Comic Books for Kids in the Hospital 

We have seen first-hand what the strength of imagination can do for anyone, especially children, who are trying to overcome health challenges! In our first Campaign as Agents of Change, our agency has chosen to support All Heroes Wear Masks.

This nonprofit organization provides comic books to kids who are in, or out, of the hospital fighting for their lives. They send Comic Books to kids with chronic illnesses, critical injuries, critical illnesses, and other life-threatening conditions. 

Comic Books give them an escape from their reality and facilitate the expansion of their imagination to know that anything is possible.

Children now live in a world framed too much by boundaries, rules, and for that matter, the limited imagination of others. Comic books have a unique quality to teach children that anything can happen. Unpredictability and magic still exist.

How can you support this organization? Well, when you refer a friend, family member, co-worker or neighbor to our agency for a quote, we will donate $20 on your behalf to All Heroes Wear Masks! That is $20 per friend you refer! So, how many lives will you impact today?


